Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Gmail denied POP3 access to hotmail account, but password is correct

I have configured Gmail to download new mails from my Hotmail account but it stopped working since Apr 20.

Error message:
Server denied POP3 access for the given username and password. Please contact Microsoft's support team for more information on POP access. Server returned error: "Authentication failure: unknown user name or bad password. [Error="ProxyNotAuthenticated" AuthResult=0 Proxy=PS1PR0201MB1756.apcprd02.prod.outlook.com:1995:SSL]"

Found out that Hotmail had turned off POP3 access.

To turn it back on, log on to Hotmail, go to Options > Accounts > POP and IMAP.
Under POP Options, select "YES" for Let devices and apps use POP.
Log out from Hotmail.

Go to Gmail and try connecting again.

Ref: https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!msg/gmail/r788QIQbV00/oyDVt1dfNQAJ

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Troubleshooting SharePoint Alerts

This post offers a solution if you are trying to solve "Getting initial confirmation emails but no alert emails" based on the diagram below.

(Image linked directly from http://sharepointalert.info/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/flowchart.gif)

It also assumes that you have done the necessary checks on the email infrastructure, Sharepoint timer jobs, list permissions, etc and there is nothing amiss.

Finally, it assumes that nothing has changed on your Sharepoint infrastructure recently and the problem just appeared out of the blue (meaning that it had worked before).


Follow the steps below:
  1. Stop the OWSTIMER service on ALL of the MOSS servers in the farm.
  2. On the Index server, navigate to:                          
  3. Server 2003 location: Drive:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\SharePoint\Config\GUID and delete all the XML files from the directory. 
    Server 2008 location: Drive:\ProgramData\Microsoft\SharePoint\Config\GUID and delete all the XML files from the directory.
  4. Delete all the XML file in the directory. NOTE: ONLY THE XML FILES, NOT THE .INI FILE.
  5. Open the cache.ini with Notepad and reset the number to 1. Save and close the file.
  6. Start the OWSTIMER service on the Index server and wait for XML files to begin to reappear in the directory.
  7. After you see XML files appearing on the Index server, repeat steps 2, 3 & 4 on each query server, waiting for XML files to appear before moving to subsequent servers.
  8. After all of the query servers have all been cleared and new .xml files have been generated, proceed to the WFE and Application servers in the farm, following steps 2, 3, 4 and 5 for each remaining server 
Referenced & tried & tested from this link: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/josrod/archive/2007/12/12/clear-the-sharepoint-configuration-cache-for-timer-job-and-psconfig-errors.aspx

According to the post and Microsoft Support, sometimes the cache becomes corrupted and needs to be rebuilt. But we won't know why it would get corrupted :(

P/S: This issue came back 2 months later, and the above steps did not resolve the issue.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Cannot package wsp in VS2008 for SP2007


SPService.svc is too busy

Turn on Sharepoint services.


VSeWSS Service Error: Error loading assembly XXX

Ensure IIS Website Central Admin has started.
App Pool ID should be the admin account and not Network Service.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Recover a deleted SharePoint site or site collection

Sharepoint 2007
The only way to recover a deleted site is through a database backup restore. Deleted sites and site collections do not go into the recycle bin.

Sharepoint 2010
Deleted sites and site collections go into the recycle bin, and can be restored from there.

Sharepoint 2013
Deleted sites go into the recycle bin, and can be restored from there.

You can also recover deleted site collections through PowerShell.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Notes from Sharepoint 2013 Site Admin & Power User Training

SharePoint 2013 Site Templates: http://blog.cloudshare.com/2012/12/06/sharepoint-2013-site-templates/


When you create a site, 3 default access groups, with default permissions will be created for you.

1) Owners // Full Control
2) Members // Contribute/Edit (?)
3) Visitors // Read-Only

The default permissions can be changed. And you can also grant another group from another site the same set of permissions.
The downside is that if you are in the Members and Visitors group, you cannot see the "Site Permissions" page. You can only decipher who has access to the site based on the name of the group.


SharePoint App Store is accessible from "Site Contents" > "Add an App" > "SharePoint Store".
URL: https://[Sharepoint Site URL]/layouts/15/storefront.aspx
Noteworthy Apps:
Corporate News App (announcement/latest news)
Mini Calendar (aggregated calendar)
PDF Publisher (merge PDF)


Content type lets you "templatise" a SharePoint list item (document, calendar event, contact). You can set certain fields as mandatory, such that when you drag in a document for upload, the document remains checked out. You can use the "Quick Edit" feature to provide the details of the compulsory fields, and then perform a bulk check in.

You can link a new template to the Content Type via Site Settings // Site Content Types // [Content Type] // Advanced Settings.


There is an "Access App", that lets you "host" your Access database on SharePoint.


Friday, November 22, 2013

WebClient generates 401 Unauthorized error

My code:
WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
returns {"The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized."}

Adding this solves the problem.
webClient.UseDefaultCredentials = true;

Without this line of code, the client does not know which credentials to take and will call the site anonymously.

Credits go to: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2150161/webclient-generates-401-unauthorized-error

Sharepoint's Hidden User Profile List

Here's the URL: http://<your site collection URL>/_catalogs/users/simple.aspx

Credits go to Tobias Zimmergren - a site I frequent a lot when I need to get the URL.